

Licensed Pilots

Carolina Horyzon’s pilots and contractors are commercially licensed UAS Remote Pilots under FAA Part 107. Additional NCDOT Commercial and Government licensure held for North Carolina operations.


Years of Experience

Our pilots have years of experience across multiple industries and bring diverse skill sets to their role as UAS Operators.

Our Team

Our team is small but experienced. We are dedicated to delivering the results your project or event requires.

Owner – Pilot

Parker Christie


Certificate Number: 4918247

Parker has a background in Construction, Facilities Management, and Telecommunications with over 15 years of interdisciplinary experience. From an early age, Parker had an interest in aviation, and was happy to become a licensed Remote Pilot when the opportunity presented itself. Parker has been flying commercially since 2023 and founded Carolina Horyzon in 2024. When he’s not working, Parker enjoys fishing, hunting, boating, and creating family memories on trips – preferably with the boat in tow.


Kerri Christie


Kerri’s background is in healthcare, and she has over 20 years of experience working in medical offices. In her role at Carolina Horyzon, Kerri brings her exceptional ability to interface with clients and make them feel comfortable. She also shares in the administrative and financial duties of our small business. When she’s not busy at work or being Mom, Kerri enjoys a day on the lake, doing creative projects at home, and spending time with her family.


Casey Purdy


Certificate Number: 4758839

Casey began his professional career as an automotive technician in 2009, and was hired by a local law enforcement agency as a class one law enforcement officer in 2013. Casey has over 10 years of experience in law enforcement and currently holds a supervisor role. In 2022, Casey joined his agency’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program and became a Remote Pilot. Casey has experience deploying various types of UAS for surveillance, suspect apprehension, crime scene documentation, and search and rescue operations. Casey also has experience in thermal-equipped UAS deployment. Casey’s love for UAS flight led to joining Carolina Horyzon at its inception in 2024. Outside of his professional duties, Casey enjoys gaming, hunting, grilling and spending time with his wife and son.